Top Quality supplements From A Trusted Source!
Dr. Jonny Bowden - Board Certified Nutrition PhD
Best selling author of 15 books: 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, Living Low Carb, Smart Fat, The Great Cholesterol Myth, Most Effective Ways to Live Longer 

 Ready To Shop?

Our Fullscript Dispensary Offers 300+ Supplement Brands Shipped From a State-of-the-Art Certified Facility For Quality Control!

Dozens of Professional Brands Including...

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Rockwell's VIP Membership Benefits

  • ​Three FREE eBooks: "Immunity: What You Really Need to Know About Supplements", "Cookbook: 100 Recipes from Celebrity Doctors" and "Uncensored Truth About Vitamin & Mineral Supplements" by Dr. Jonny Bowden
  • ​Discounts on every order!
  • ​Speak to a nutritionist and get personalized supplement recommendations via phone or email!
  • ​Top quality professional brands (hundreds to choose from!)
  • ​Search for your favorite supplements or browse our recommended protocols
  • ​FREE fast shipping on any online orders over $50
  • ​​Fullscript's phone re-ordering for our VIP members Mon-Sat.
  • ​Guaranteed quality (No counterfeit brands from China or expired products like on Amazon)
  • ​Competitive pricing & sales events

About Your eBook Gifts...

 IMMUNITY: What You Really Need To Know About Supplements
Dr. Jonny's newest immunity guide is an incredible resource for the TOP supplements and ingredients to include in your program for immune system health.  

You'll not only get links to the exact supplements we like best available inside our Fullscript dispensary, but you'll also get an explanation of what each one does inside the body, and scientific references on published research for each one recommended!   
What are the celebrity doctor experts REALLY eating? This beautiful color cookbook (PDF) is a peek inside the fridges of some of the most well known names in wellness and nutrition.... 

You'll get recipes from Steven Masley MDJJ Virgin, Dave Asprey, Cynthia Pasquella, Tana Amen, Jayson & Mira Calton, Alan Christianson NMD, Sara Gottfried MD, Dr. Joel Kahn, Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, Jen Landa, MD, and Dr. Tom O'Bryan
This invaluable guide by Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS is the ideal place to quickly look up any of the 13 vitamin, 7 macrominerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc), and 7 "Superstar Nutrients" like omega-3s, probiotics, and CoQ10 to get a short and useful synopsis of what they actually do as well as "Fun Facts", professional tips, and scientific references for each!


When you create an account and login to our our certified Fullscript dispensary, you'll be able to re-order your favorite high quality brands of practitioner-grade supplements, and get personalized recommendations!  Fullscript is a state-of-the art temperature controlled supplement facility. 

Why is this so important? Sales of these special brands must be sold through a health care practitioner like us because we can help you choose the best ones for your specific needs. Not to mention that when you find them on Amazon, they are often counterfeits from China or expired! Plus, there is no one to support you if you have questions about how to take them for example.  But through us, you are guaranteed to get the authentic supplements made by the companies you love, plus you get our support. 

We Recommend...

Power Health Coaching Sessions with Dr. Jonny
Customized Nutrition Programs &
Functional Medicine Lab Testing

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Looking forward to hearing from you! 

Dr. Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS

For 30 years, Jonny Bowden has been writing books, featured on radio shows, and speaking at conferences as an expert on the topic of nutrition, weight loss, and wellness.  Jonny is the scientific advisor for Rockwell Health LLC, and the best-selling author of 15 books including "The Great Cholesterol Myth", "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth", "Living Low Carb", "The Most Effective Ways To Live Longer", and the blockbuster weight-loss program, "The Metabolic Factor". 

A board-certified nutrition PhD with a masters in psychology and 6 personal training certificates, Jonny's no-nonsense, myth-busting approach has made him a popular guest on television including “Dr. Oz”, “the Doctors”, ABC-TV, MSNBC-TV, CNN, CBS-TV, CBN, Fox News, NBC-TV and on morning shows across the country.

A prolific writer, Dr. Jonny has written for The New York Times, Forbes, The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, Vanity Fair Online, Men’s Heath, Prevention, and dozens of other print and online publications. He recently appeared in the documentary, “The Big Fat Lie,” narrated by Dr. Mark Hyman, about the origins of the dietary guidelines in America. 

Jonny is now offering Power Coaching Sessions via Zoom! 
Rockwell Nutrition
   (866) 757-4500